Wealthy businessman provokes response from the rich

As the coronavirus pandemic continue to pose a serious threat to the country as it left the poor running empty of their resources due to the enhanced community quarantine, wealthy businessman and philanthropist Francis Leo Marcos utilized social media as platform to call on fellow affluent individuals to heed the call to help the less fortunate.
Through Facebook live, Marcos challenged co-dwellers in the posh subdivision of Greenmeadows, Quezon City to get out of their dens and mansions and extend help to the poor during this time of the virus through the “Mayaman Challenge.”
He walked out of his house, knocked on the doors of his neighbors and tried to get their attention to take up the challenge.
He said that other than prayers, people needed food and supplies most that would help them tide over this period as the lockdown has left them fending for sustenance and only the rich could provide this as the government’s support would not be enough.
“By just donating one percent of your wealth, that could mean a lot to help the poor,” Marcos said during one of his live broadcasts, which have drawn thousands of viewers to his page.
According to Marcos, he started on his Facebook live videos not to call attention to himself but to genuinely express his intent to help. He admitted that one of his videos has been blocked by Facebook, but he shrugged it off as he resumed his telecasts to push the same objective.
Some might say it would be humble-bragging as he inadvertently includes views of his sprawling properties and his flashy Mustang in his videos, but he was proud to dispel these with his own antics.
“The reason why I ask you to share it is not for me to become famous. I don’t need to be famous anymore because I am already famous,” he jokingly said in one of his videos.
Marcos, who listed himself as chairman and CEO of the Marcos Group of Companies, is also the chairman of Volunteers Against Poverty Foundation. Some reports claimed he was the nephew of Fortuna Marcos Barba, sister of former president Ferdinand Marcos.

Out of his own pocket, Marcos said he was able to provide and distribute about 500 sacks of rice as his contribution to somehow help other people survive the incoming days of quarantine.
He also said he donated food supplies to the security guards from his village, who were regular viewers of his videos.
“As a citizen of this country, it is my duty and responsibility, not only to myself but to my fellow countrymen to help them move forward,” Marcos said.

